Fact Checking Resources

We recommend checking out these resources to improve your fact-checking game and hone your misinformation instincts.
Do you have resource you think should be featured here? Send us an email at factcheck@factland.org.
Cover image by Markus Winkler on Unsplash
How to Use Google Reverse Image Search to Fact-Check Images | Common Sense Education
How to Use Google Reverse Image Search to Fact-Check Images is a video from Common Sense Education. Use this video to help your students learn and thrive in our connected world.

MediaWise Programs - Poynter
A global leader in journalism. Strengthening democracy.

Consensus - Evidence-Based Answers, Faster
Consensus is a new search engine that uses AI to find you answers in scientific research. Find out what the research says in seconds with Consensus.

First Steps to Getting Started in Open Source Research - bellingcat
If you’ve an internet connection, free time, and a stubborn commitment to getting the facts right, then you too, can be an open source researcher.

Video as Evidence: Verifying Eyewitness Video - Library
Techniques and tools to help verify the authenticity an eyewitness video that is found online or sent by a source.

A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Verification - bellingcat
How can we tell whether the posts, articles and claims we see online are true? This guide explains all.

Vaccine Insights Flexible Learning Course
Our flexible learning course, designed and run by First Draft’s highly-experienced team, will help you stay one step ahead of those spreading conspiracies and false claims about vaccines.